Calculate how much money you get to keep from your salary each month and how much you pay in income tax.
Are you an employer? Instead, use this second calculator to calculate how much salary you should pay out .
Your employer usually uses a table from the Swedish Tax Agency to calculate the preliminary tax to be deducted from your salary each month. When you declare, your final tax is then calculated, which is affected by, for example, interest deductions, sales of securities and real estate.
The calculation above only applies to those who are at most 65 years old and who have a monthly salary over SEK 10,000
Select the municipality and parish where you were registered on November 1 of the year before the income year.
State tax is paid by those who are expected to earn over a certain amount per year. On income above this amount, the state tax is 20%. Read more on the Swedish Tax Agency's website.
Funeral fees are paid to the municipality regardless of whether you are a member of the Church of Sweden.
Marginal Tax is not an actual tax, but a measure of how much the tax changes if you get more or less in salary. The marginal tax is affected, for example, by the size of the employment tax credit and state tax, both of which are progressive and thus depend on income.
From 2021, a new tax reduction of up to SEK 1,500 per year will be introduced ("Tax reduction for earned income") .